Alexander M. Dyugaev, Israel D. Vagner, and Peter Wyder
Occurrence of non-Drude behavior in the infrared conductivity
of ruthenates and cuprates
| 51 |
Smadar Shatz, Lior Klein, and Nathan Wiser
Nanophysics |
Quantum dot coupled to unconventional superconducting electrodes
| 65 |
Yshai Avishai, Tomosuke Aono and Anatoly Golub
Coulomb correlation effects in tunneling processes through localized impurity states
| 82 |
Petr I. Arseyev and Natalia S. Maslova
One-dimensional disordered sample as a quantum potential well:
localization and resonant transmission
| 91 |
Konstantin Yu. Bliokh, Yuri P. Bliokh, and Valentin D. Freilikher
On exact integrability of replica field theories in 0 dimensions:
non-Hermitean disordered Hamiltonians
| 101 |
Eugene Kanzieper
Infrared absorption in quantum crossbars
| 130 |
Igor Kuzmenko and Sergey Gredeskul
Spintronics and Quantum Information Processing |
Nuclear spintronics: quantum Hall and nano-systems
| 152 |
Israel D. Vagner
Isotopically engineered silicon nanostructures in quantum computation and
| 196 |
Issai Shlimak
| | | | | | | | |