Quantum dot coupled to unconventional superconducting electrodes |
Yshai Avishai, Tomosuke Aono and Anatoly Golub |
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 1, 1, 65-81 (2004) |
Coulomb correlation effects in tunneling processes through localized impurity states |
Petr I. Arseyev and Natalia S. Maslova |
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 1, 1, 82-90 (2004) |
One-dimensional disordered sample as a quantum potential well: localization and resonant transmission |
Konstantin Yu. Bliokh, Yuri P. Bliokh, and Valentin D. Freilikher |
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 1, 1, 91-100 (2004) |
On exact integrability of replica field theories in 0 dimensions: non-Hermitean disordered Hamiltonians |
Eugene Kanzieper |
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 1, 1, 101-129 (2004) |
Infrared absorption in quantum crossbars |
Igor Kuzmenko and Sergey Gredeskul |
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 1, 1, 130-151 (2004) |