Sam Ben-Yaakov
Power Electronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
Simon Lineykin, and Sam Ben-Yaakov
Feedback isolation by piezoelectric transformers: comparison of amplitude
to frequency modulation
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering B
2, 5-6, 830-847 (2005)
Mor Mordechai Peretz, and Sam Ben-Yaakov
The self-adjusting current-fed push-pull parallel resonant inverter
as a high frequency AC bus driver
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering B
2, 3-4, 352-364 (2005)
Evgeny Rozanov, and Sam Ben-Yaakov
Analysis of current-controlled inductors by new SPICE behavioral model
HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering B
2, 3-4, 558-570 (2005)