HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering B
Volume 2, Issues 1-2, pp. 242-253
© 2005 Holon Academic Institute of Technology


Water oxygenation in an experimental aerator with different air/water interaction patterns

Semyon P. Levitsky1, Leonid N. Grinis1, Jehuda Haddad1, and Michael P. Levitsky2,*

1Negev Academic College of Engineering, Beer-Sheva, 84100, Israel
2Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Beer-Sheva, 84311, Israel
*Corresponding author: levitsky@iimath.com
Received 15 July 2004, revised 22 September 2004, accepted 28 October 2004


A device for water saturation by gas using enhanced air-water interaction is studied experimentally. The flow of gas and water in the device is organized in a way providing efficient gas dispersion into fine bubbles at relatively low gas and liquid supply pressures. It permits water oxygenation to be improved and the aeration expenses to be reduced as compared with existing aerators. The setup for experimental study of the device and the measurement procedure are described. The data obtained confirm efficiency of the proposed aerator for water oxygenation.

PACS: 89.60.-k, 89.20.Bb, 47.85.-g, 47.62.+q, 47.60.+I, 47.55.-t


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