Lattice effects
When the electron motion in the magnetic field is restricted by an
underlying lattice, the electronic states in a band may split, under
sufficiently strong fields, into a series of magnetic subbands called
Hofstadter spectrum ,Fig.4.7.
Coulomb interactions
Coulomb correlations renormalize the Hofstadter specturm by narrowing the
overall width of the specturm and by shifting the band center upward in
energy as the filling fraction is increased, Fig. 4.8.
The effective mass, therefore, increases as half filling is approached.
Both the srong Coulomb correlations and the lattice effect enhance the
electron mass as function of the filling fraction. Strong Coulomb correlations,
for example, lead to the Mott-Hubbard insulator at half filling, where the
effective mass diverges via Brinkman-Rice localization.
The lattice effect, on the other hand, enhances the effective mass as the van
Hove singularity is approached.