Guinea-Bissau and Senegal

February 2018


Date Time From To By Comments
16.02 09:25 Tel Aviv Lisbon through Craiova and Milan Wizzair, Ryanair 10 hours, $143
16.02 19:30 Lisbon Hotel Pensao Nova Goa, 25 Euro Sightseeng 23 hours
17.02 18:30 Lisbon Bissau TAP 4.5 hours, $208
17.02 23:00 Bissau Hotel Kalliste, 40000 CFA for 2 nights Sightseeng 1.5 days
19.02 10:30 Bissau Enxude Passengers Ferry Bijagos 1.5 hours, 6000 CFA
19.02 12:00 Enxude Buba, Apart Hotel Cruzamento, 10000 CFA Lorry-bus + Private car 5 + 2 hours, 1250+5000 CFA
20.02 09:30 Buba Bissau Coach 6 hours, 2000 CFA
20.02 16:30 Bissau Ziguinchor Minibus + Motocycle + Private Car 3+1 hours, 4000+2000 CFA
20.02 20:30 Ziguinchor Hotel Nema Kadjor, 23000 CFA
Hotel N'Daary Kassoum, 11000 CFA
Trip to border 1 + 1 hours, 3000+1000 CFA
22.02 09:00 Ziguinchor Kaolack, Hotel Le Baobab, 9000 CFA Minibus + Ferry 12 hours, 7500 CFA + visas 10000 CFA
23.02 10:00 Kaolack Touba Minibus + Taxi 3 hours, 2000 + 3000 CFA
23.02 14:30 Touba Thies, Hotel Rex, 15000 CFA Shared Taxi 4 hours, 2500 CFA
24.02 10:00 Thies Dakar, Hotel Provençal, 26000 CFA for 2 nights Minibus 3 hours, 1000 CFA
25.02 09:00 Dakar Île de Gorée Ferry 0.5+0.5 hours, 5200 CFA
27.02 02:30 Dakar Lisbon through Casablanca Royal Air Maroc 3+ (5) + 2 hours, 262 USD
27.02 17:00 Lisbon Tel Aviv through London, Katowice, Warsaw Ryanair and Wizzair (+train) 2 days, 77 USD (+added tickets)

For 9 days in Guinea Bissau and Senegal:

Hotels: 134000 CFA = $252 ~ $28/night
Bus: 70000 CFA = $131 ~ $15/day
Food, etc: 40000 CFA = $75 ~ $8/day
Places of interest: 8000 CFA = $15 ~ $1.7/day
Total in Africa: 252000 CFA = $474 ~ $52/day

Expences in Lisbon: $52
Air tickets $143+$208+$262+$77 = $690
Visas $78+$19=$97
Insurance $77

Total for all trip excluding souvenirs ~ $1400

See the detailed report in Russian here