Alexander Kaplunovsky' Home Page: List of Publications

Alexander Kaplunovsky

125 Dan St., Maale Shomron, 44852, Israel
Tel.: (972)-9792-0475; Mobile: (972)-50-773-9323

List of Publications

1. P.V.Bundzen, N.N.Vasilevsky, A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.V.Shabaev. Factor Analysis in Studies of Functional Organization of Dynamic Characteristics of the Brain Electrical Activity. Sechenov Physiol.Journ.USSR, 57, 7: 969-973, 1971. 2. N.P.Bekhtereva, P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, Y.K.Matveev. Functional Organization of Activity of Cerebral Neuronal Assemblies in Humans during Short-term Verbal Memory. Sechenov Physiol.Journ.USSR, 57, 12: 1605-1621, 1971. 3. P.V.Bundzen, N.S.Ivanuk, A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.Y.Katinas, V.V.Uriash. Forms of Stable Memory Traces on the Level of Continuous Wave Brain Processes. In: Materials of 6-th Vsesoyuznoi Conf. on Electrophysiology of Central Nervous System, 41. Ed.:"Nauka", Leningrad, 1971. 4. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, Y.K.Matveev, B.M.Shishkin. Computer Analysis of Human Brain Neuronal Multi-unit Activity. Proc. 2-nd Vsesoyuzn. Acad. Symp. on Mathematical Methods and Computers in Bio-medical Science, 110-111. Obninsk, 1971. 5. V.M.Klimenko, A.S.Kaplunovsky, I.A.Neroslavsky. Automatical Classification of Multiparametric Experimental Data. Sechenov Physiol.Journ.USSR, 58, 4: 599-602, 1972. 6. V.M.Klimenko,A.S.Kaplunovsky. Statistical Study of Impulse Activity of Neurons in the Various Hypothalamic Areas. Sechenov Physiol.Journ.USSR, 58, 10: 1484-1493, 1972. 7. Yu.Ya.Zakher, A.S.Kaplunovsky, A.S.Zukerman, N.M.Yakovlev. Analisys of Neuronal Impulses from the point of view of the Automatic Regulation Theory. Proc. 4-th International Biophysical Congress, Vol.3: 311, Moscow, 1972. 8. Yu.Ya.Zakher, A.S.Kaplunovsky, A.S.Zukerman. Methods of Dynamical Analysis of Evoke Potentials. Proc. 4-th International Biophysical Congress, Vol.3: 360-362, Moscow, 1972. 9. V.M.Klimenko, A.S.Kaplunovsky. Use of Informational Metods for Study of Self-organization Processes in Brain. In: Self-regulation of Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Integrative and Adaptive Brain Activity, 47. Leningrad,1972. 10. A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.M.Klimenko. About Correlations of Neuronal Activity of Various Hypothalamic Structures during Immunological Changes in Organism. In: Self-regulation of Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Integrative and Adaptive Brain Activity, 48. Leningrad,1972. 11. N.P.Bekhtereva, P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky. To the Decoding of Neurophysiological Code of Human Short-term Memory. Materials of 23-nd Physiol. Assembly, Vol.1: 95, Gor'ky, 1972. 12. N.P.Bekhtereva, P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky. Structural-functional analysis of the Processes of Human Brain Neuronal Activity. Materials of 23-nd Physiol. Assembly, Vol.2: 112-116, Gor'ky, 1972. 13. A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.V.Uriash. Factor Analysis of the Brain Electrogram of Cat in Various Sleep Stadies. In: Structure and Functions of Cerebral Brain, 31-34, Leningrad, 1972. 14. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky. Use of Computer Complex for the Analysis of Human Brain Neuron Activity. In: Using of Mathematical Methods and Computer Techniques in Biological and Medical Science, 12-15. Leningrad, 1972. 15. A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.M.Klimenko, V.A.Grigoriev. Double Factor Analysis of the Neuronal Impulse Activity in the Various Hypothalamus Areas in Rabbit. In: Using of Mathematical Methods and Computer Techniques in Biological and Medical Science, 28-30. Leningrad, 1972. 16. V.V.Uriash, A.S.Kaplunovsky. Statistical Analysis of Cat Cerebrus during Influence of some Medicines. In: Using of Mathematical Methods and Computer Techniques in Biological and Medical Science, 49-51. Leningrad, 1972. 17. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, P.D.Perepelkin, B.M.Shishkin. Use of Analog-digital Computer Complex for Analysing Multi-unit Activity of Brain Neuron Populations. In: Using of Computer Techniques and Mathematical Methods in Health and Medical Science, 21-23. Tbilisi, 1972. 18. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, Y.K.Matveev, B.M.Shishkin. Use of Analog-digital Computer Complex for Analysing Multi- cellular Activity of Human Brain Neuron Populations. In: Using of Mathematical Methods and Computer Techniques in Medicine and Bionics, 12-15. Leningrad, 1972. 19. A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.V.Uriash. Use of Factor Analysis for Study of Dynamic Characterisics of Cerebral Electrograms. In: Using of Mathematical Methods and Computer Techniques in Medicine and Bionics, 28. Leningrad, 1972. 20. V.M.Klimenko, A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.K.Kruchinin. Use of Computers for Objective Quantitive Study of Structure of Distribution of Inpulse Intervals of Hipothalamic Neurons. In: Using of Mathematical Methods and Computer Techniques in Medicine and Bionics, 34-35. Leningrad, 1972. 21. V.V.Uriash, A.S.Kaplunovsky. Dynamics of Stable Forms of Cerebral Bioelectrical Activity during Influence of Gammalone. In: Structure and Function of Central Nervous System, 59-60. Leningrad, 1972. 22. A.S.Kaplunovsky, M.M.Bogoslovsky. The Use of Factor Analysis for Encephalographic Characteristics of Sleep. Sechenov Physiol.Journ.USSR, 59, 8: 1291-1292, 1973. 23. P.V.Bundzen, Yu.L.Gogolitsin, E.David, A.S.Kaplunovsky, P.D.Perepelkin. Structural-systemic Approach to the Analysis of Functional Reorganization of Neuronal Pools. Sechenov Physiol.Journ.USSR, 59, 12: 1803-1810, 1973. 24. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, Y.K.Matveev, B.M.Shishkin. Use of Analog-digital Computer Complex for Analysing Multi- cellular Activity of Human Brain Neuron Populations. Vestnik Acad.Med.Nauk SSSR, 28, 7: 85-88, 1973. 25. N.P.Bekhtereva, P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky. The Self-organization Principles of the Neuronal Code in Short-term Verbal Memory. In: "Bionika-1973" (Mater. 4-th Vsesoyuzn. Conf. on Bionics), vol.3: 1-6. Moscow, 1973. 26. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, P.D.Perepelkin. Complex Statistical Analysis of Multi-unit Activity of Human Brain Neuron Populations during the Mental Activity. In: "Bionika-1973" (Mater. 4-th Vsesoyuzn. Conf. on Bionics), vol.3: 7-22. Moscow, 1973. 27. N.P.Bekhtereva, P.V.Bundzen, E.David, A.S.Kaplunovsky. Systemic-structural Approach to the Analysis of Memory Processes. Proc. 5-th Vsesoyzn. Neurophysiol. Symposium, 12-15. Rostov-na-Donu, 1973. 28. Yu.Ya.Zakher,A.S.Kaplunovsky. To the Choice of the Criterion for the Evaluation of Post- tetanic Potentiation. Proc. 5-th Vsesoyzn. Neurophysiol. Symposium, 185-186. Rostov-na-Donu, 1973. 29. A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.M.Klimenko, V.K.Kruchinin. Systemic-functional Approach to the Analysis of Neuronal Impulse Activity in Rabbit Hypothalamus during Immunogenesis. Proc. 5-th Vsesoyzn. Neurophysiol. Symposium, 215-219. Rostov-na-Donu, 1973. 30. A.S.Kaplunovsky, M.M.Bogoslovsky. Use of Factor Analysis and its Modifications for Encephalographic Characteristics of Sleep. Proc. 5-th Vsesoyzn. Conf. on Neurocybernetics, 130. Rostov-na-Donu, 1973. 31. V.M.Klimenko, A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.A.Grigoryev. Integrative Method for Evaluation and Modelling of Ffunctional Structure of Neuronal Systems. Proc. 5-th Vsesoyzn. Conf. on Neurocybernetics, 131. Rostov-na-Donu, 1973. 32. Yu.Ya.Zakher, A.S.Kaplunovsky, N.M.Suvorov. Statistical Methods for Study of Dynamic Characteristics of Neuronal Evoke Potentials. In: "Problems of the Self-regulation and Adaptive Activity of Cerebral Mechanisms.", 59-63. Leningrad, 1973. 33. A.S.Kaplunovsky, M.M.Bogoslovsky. The Use of Factor Analysis for the Analysis of Encephalogram in Cat Brain in Various Studies of Sleep and Awakeness. In: "Problems of the Self-regulation and Adaptive Activity of Cerebral Mechanisms.", 77-81. Leningrad, 1973. 34. N.Bekhtereva, P.Bundzen, J.Matveev, A.Kaplunovski Die Neuronenpopulationen des Gehirns beim Verbalen Kurzzeitgeduchtnis. Moderne Medizin, 4, 3:179-186, 1973. 35. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, Yu.L.Gogolitsin. Structural-functional Approach to the Analysis of Bioelectrical Processes in Human Brain. In: "Problems of Neurocybernetics", 34-70. Kiev, 1973. 36. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, Yu.L.Gogolitsin. Analysis of the Dynamics of Neuronal Code of Short-term Verbal Memory. In: "Cellular Mechanisms of Memory", 13-21. Pushchino, 1973. 37. Yu.A.Gogolitsin, A.S.Kaplunovsky, P.D.Perepelkin. System-structural Approach to Analysis of Neuronal Activity in the Process of Human Mental Activity. Proc. 2-nd Winter School on Neurocybernetics, held in Repino, 1972: 381-420. Leningrad, 1974. 38. A.S.Kaplunovsky. To the Problem of Neuroholographic Basis of the Coding of Verbal Signals. In: "Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Human Mental Activity" (Proc. Intern. Symp.), 212-214. Leningrad, 1974. 39. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky The Self-organization Principles of the Structural-systemic Brain Systems and Memory Mechanisms. In: Problems of Physiology and Pathology of Higher Nervous Activity. Ed. by N.P.Bekhtereva, "Medicina", 80-108, Leningrad, 1974. 40. V.A.Ilukhina, A.S.Kaplunovsky, P.D.Perepelkin. Dynamics of Impulse Activity and Slow Electrical Brain Processes in tests on Short-term Verbal Memory. In: "Memory and Memory Processes",269. Pushchino, 1974. 41. A.S.Kaplunovsky. Neuroholographic Model of Verbal Memory. In: "Memory and Memory Processes",271. Pushchino, 1974. 42. A.S.Kaplunovsky. Principles of Neuroholographic Coding of Information by the Human Memory. In: "Memory in Normal and Pathological Reactions of Organism", 161-168. Leningrad, 1974. 43. A.S.Kaplunovsky, P.D.Perepelkin. Principal Aspects of Neuronal Code of Verbal Signals from the point of view of Bioholography. In: "Biological and Medical Cybernetics", vol.3: 69-73. Moscow-Leningrad, 1974. 44. A.S.Kaplunovsky, P.D.Perepelkin. Use of Factor Analysis Methods for Study Multi-unit Activity of Human Brain Neronal Populations. In: "Use of Mathematical Methods in Medicine", 83-87. Moscow, 1974. 45. P.V.Bundzen, Y.L.Gogolitsin, A.S.Kaplunovsky The Computer Analysis of Multiunit Activity of Neuronal Populations of the Human Brain. In: "Biological Diagnosis of Brain Disorders". (Proc. 5-th Intern. Conf. held at the New York Acad. Med., Oct.2-3,1972.) Ed.S.Bogoch, Spectrum Publ., 275-280. Flushing, N.Y., 1973. 46. P.V.Bundzen, Y.L.Gogolitsin, A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.N.Malyshev. Systemic Approach to the Analysis of Human Brain Neuronal Populations during Mental Activity. Human Physiology 1, 1: 45-60, 1975. 47. P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, V.M.Klimenko, E.A.Korneva Methodological Aspects and Principles of the Factor Analysis Use in Neurophysiology. In: Methodological Problems of Theoretical Medicine. Ed. by N.P.Bekhtereva. "Medicina", 25-39. Leningrad, 1975. 48. N.P.Bekhtereva, P.V.Bundzen, A.S.Kaplunovsky, P.D.Perepelkin. On the Neurophysiological Coding of Mental Phenomena in Man. In: Memory of Mechanisms of Normal and Pathological Reactions. Ed by N.P.Bechtereva. "Medicina", 9-27, Leningrad, 1976. 49. M.B.Tartakovsky, A.S.Kaplunovsky. Automatic System Protecting Against Diagnostic Errors Resulting from Wrong Chest Electrode Placement in Computerized ECG Interpretation. In: "Computers in Cardiology", vol.5 (Proc. 5-th Intern. Conf. held at the IEEE, Rotterdam, Sept.31-Oct.3, 1977). Rotterdam, 1978. 50. H.Volohonsky, A.Kaplunovsky, S.Seruya. Storms on Lake Kinneret; Observations and Mathematical Model. Ecological Modelling, 18: 141-153, 1983. 51. T.Maniv, Yu.A.Bychkov, A.Kaplunovsky, I.D.Vagner. Band Structure of the Spin Excitations in Modulated Heterostructures under Strong Magnetic Fields. Physica B, 204: 134-140, 1995. 52. P.Malits, A.Kaplunovsky, I.D.Vagner, P. Wyder. Energy spectrum of an electron on an arbitrary surface of revolution in a magnetic field. In: "The General Conference of the Condensed Matter,August 25-29th 1998", Grenoble, 1998. 53. A.Kaplunovsky. Mathematical Assignments with MATLAB. Coventry University Programme in Israel, Ruppin Institute for Higher Education, Emek Hefer, Israel, 1998. 54. P.Malits, A.Kaplunovsky, I.D. Vagner, P.Wyder. Electrons on rotationally symmetric nanoparticles under a strong magnetic field. arXiv: cond-mat 9910355v3 [cond-mat.mes-hall], 16 Jan 2000. 55. P. Malits, A. Kaplunovsky, I.D. Vagner, and P. Wyder Spectrum of electrons confined to rotationally symmetric nanoparticles. Nano Letters 2, 9, 915-918, 2002. 56. B.I. Lembrikov, P. Malits, A.S. Kaplunovsky, M. Haridim, and I.D. Vagner Electron Spectrum in Nuclear Spin Polarization Induced Periodic Structures. In: Recent Trends in Theory of Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic Fields. Ed: I.D. Vagner, P. Wyder and T. Maniv, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, pp. 255-262, 2003. 57. A. Kaplunovsky Factor Analysis in Environmental Studies. HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering B 2, 1-2, 54-94, 2005. 58. E. Levner, A. Kaplunovsky, B. Bekker-Vernik, U. Shani, S. Brenner, C. Lipchin, V. Hartje, and E. Interwies Integrated Evaluation and Management of Water Resources in the Southern Arava Valley German-Israeli Scientific Symposium ”Water is Life”, pp.159-161. Jerusalem, 7-8 Dec. 2005. 59. A. Kaplunovsky Why using factor analysis? Submitted to HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering 60. A. Kaplunovsky, V. Khailenko, A. Bolshoy, S. Atambayeva, and A. Ivashchenko Statistics of Exon Lengths in Animals, Plants, Fungi, and Protists International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biotechnology (ICBB 2009), Rome, Italy, April 28-30, 2009, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 52, 17-22, 2009 61. A. Kaplunovsky, V. Khailenko, A. Bolshoy, S. Atambayeva, and A. Ivashchenko Statistics of Exon Lengths in Animals, Plants, Fungi, and Protists International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences, 5, 3, 139-144, 2009 62. A. Kaplunovsky, V. Khailenko, A. Bolshoy, S. Atambayeva, and A. Ivashchenko Statistics of Exon Lengths in Animals, Plants, Fungi, and Protists International Journal of Bioengineering and Life Sciences, 3, 4, 2009 63. A. Kaplunovsky, D. Zabrodsky, Z. Volkovich, A. Ivashchenko and A. Bolshoy Statistics of Exon Lengths in Fungi The Open Bioinformatics Journal 4, 31-40, 2010 64. A. Kaplunovsky, A. Ivashchenko and A. Bolshoy Statistical Analysis of Exon Lengths in Various Eukaryotes Open Access Bioinformatics 3, 1-15, 2011 65. A. Kaplunovsky Methods of revealing evolutionary factors based on the analysis of exon-intron structure in genes PhD Thesis, Haifa University, 2012 66. A. Kaplunovsky, and A. Bolshoy Revealing Evolutionary Factors of Exon-Intron Structure in Genes Scholars’ Press, 88 pages, ISBN 978-3-639-71017-5, 2014

Last updated 15-May-14.