Alexander Kaplunovsky' Curriculum Vitae

Alexander Kaplunovsky

 Date and Place of Birth: 25.Aug.1948, Leningrad, USSR
 Nationality: Israeli since 1976
 Marital Status: Married + 3
 Address: 125 Dan St., Maale Shomron 44852, Israel
 Tel: (+972)-97920475 (home), (+972)-507739323 (mobile)
 Home page:


C u r r i c u l u m      V i t a e

Education: Leningrad University, Mathematics and Mechanics (1970)

Ph.D.Thesis (1975): "Decoding of Multi-Unit Activity" at
Inst. for Exp.Medicine of Acad.Med.Sci.USSR
Ph.D. in bioinformatics (2012): Methods of Revealing Evolutionary Factors Based on the Analysis of Exon-Intron Structure in Genes at University of Haifa

Experience: Teaching: Probability and Statistics etc.
2005 - present: Ariel University
2002 - 2022: Holon Institute of Technology
1997 - 1998: Ruppin Academic Center
Development, programming and customer support : MRP/ERP Systems
1998 - 2001: Scheduling Technology Group Ltd., Hounslow and Manugistics UK Ltd., Bracknell, UK
1986 - 1998: Synchronised Production Technology, Bnei Brak, Israel
1981 - 1986: OPT Israel Ltd. and Creative Output Ltd., Tel Aviv, Israel
  Internet: Technical edition and hosting
1997 - 2007: HIT Journal of Science and Engineering
High Magnetic Theory Journal
Journal of Quantum Communication and Devices
Publications: More than 60 papers and abstracts
Software: C/C++, SPSS, Fortran, Symscript, Matlab, HTML, XML/XSL
Languages: English, Hebrew, Russian
Hobbies: Trips to wild places

Curriculum Vitae in Word.doc format can be found at